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Northern Ireland education workers set for strike action

MORE than 3,000 GMB members working in Northern Ireland’s education system today announced the dates they plan to strike in a dispute over pay and grading. 

Classroom assistants, drivers, bus escorts, catering staff, cleaning staff, administrative, building supervisors and technicians are set to take four days of industrial action on May 20 and 21 and June 3 and 4 2024. 

GMB, along with Nipsa, Unison and Unite, is fighting for a fully funded implementation of the education pay and grading review for the workers. 

Primary responsibility for funding pay lies with the Northern Ireland Assembly and, ultimately, with the Treasury.   

GMB senior organiser Alan Perry said: “GMB members employed across the education authority in non-teaching roles are angry and frustrated. 

”They have simply had enough; they’ve yet to be acknowledged for their job roles despite the Education Authority agreeing the business case for the pay and grading review dating back to 2018. 

“Our members will not be used as political pawns by the Northern Ireland Executive.”

He said: “It’s time to pay them what they are worth. Failure to do so will result in further industrial action.”


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