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RMT calls for inclusive meal breaks as part of 12-hour shifts in maritime and offshore industry

TRANSPORT union RMT called today for inclusive meal breaks to be part of 12-hour shifts in the maritime and offshore industry.

Moving the motion at the union’s AGM in Hull, Humber Shipping delegate Bill Jones said: “You effectively work a 13-hour day because your meal breaks are not included.

“On some occasions, ships are short-staffed or there is bad weather, leading sometimes to 15-hour shifts, and this needs to be addressed.

“If we are going to give the time, we need to be properly compensated.”

Marc Boal of the Aberdeen Shipping branch warned that such long shifts without adequate breaks and time off had detrimental effects on seafarers’ mental health.

He said: “We have to hold these companies to account. We are struggling to fit in safety drills as a result.”

National secretary of maritime Darren Proctor supported the motion, adding: “Within the ferries sector and the offshore sector, you would have one week on and one week off. 

“That is becoming less common. We are not seeing a uniform approach in the sector. 

“More and more pressure are being put on staff. So, we need fatigue management plans put in place.”


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